As rulers around the world face the challenges of a new world order and by transferring Commander Knight to an unknown location, UPB has requested NATO to transfer command to ARRC to which the UPB [Universal Peace Builders] is committed to succeed in a plan that could finally bring peace between Europe and the Rebels still suffering the ravages of war. But too many groups have invested too much blood for the plan to fail – the new world order has one last-ditch card to play. With one horrific act, the world is plunged into a nuclear crisis. On behalf of the UPB [Universal Peace Builders], a platoon from the ARRC [Allied Rapid Reaction Corps] has already been sent to Metz for reconnaissance, but are they the only ones present?
What happened in 2022?
A military plane crashed with nuclear packages in its cargo Bay.
The President of Noordland gave out a secret and very highly classified order to the Noordland special forces to retrieve the packages and return them to Noordland. Upon arrival, they discovered that the point of impact was a wasteland filled with a hostile tribe who recovered some of the packages and many locals had to be treated for radiation sickness.
The ARRC also tried to retrieve the plutonium rods but failed to retrieve them all, even kidnapping local taxi drivers did not get the intel they needed.
The local police found out that there was a lot of drug trafficking in the area but couldn’t locate the kingpins. After an investigation by the authorities at the national bank, they discovered a very large amount of corrupt money on the bank account of the head of local police. But before the account could be frozen the Noordland SF got wind of it and emptied the whole account. The head of police and his staff got fired and will be replaced.
The whereabouts of Mr. Bomanoff are still unknown.
Rumor has it that the retrieved plutonium rods have been transported by train to a former ammunition factory in the Netherlands, but no Noordland special forces were seen guarding the train.
Unconfirmed intel says that the Noordland SF have been sent to a Russian labor camp for failing to successfully complete the president’s mission.
The persons who kidnapped the Chief’s sheep were recovered and punished accordingly.